Papers and Articles
Stricklan, A. & Waters, T. “On the stability analysis of optically thin cooling functions,” 2025, ApJ, in prep.
Waters, T., & Stricklan, A. “Catastrophic cooling in optically thin plasmas,” 2025, Solar Physics, 300, 5, DOI.
Carver, M. R., Morley, S. K., & Stricklan, A. L. "GPS Constellation Energetic Particle Measurements." 2020, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), DOI.
Stricklan, A. (2019). "Isolated Molecular Clumps at the CO-Boundary of a Diffuse Molecular Cloud", .S. thesis, University of Georgia, 2019, [Thesis]
Posters and Presentations
A. Stricklan, T. Waters, “On the analysis of optically thin cooling functions,” 11th Coronal Loops Workshop, poster session, 2024.
A. Stricklan, “Coronal hole jets: A look at these beasts and what feeds them,” American Astronomical Society Meeting, poster session, 2023.
S. Morley, Y. Chen, M. Carver, A. Stricklan, and M. Engel, “Monitoring and Diagnosing Solar Energetic Particle Events Using the Global Positioning System Constellation,” American Geophysical Meeting, poster session, 2022.
A. Stricklan, “Physical properties of coronal hole jets,” New Mexico State University Special Research Topics, oral presentation, 2021.
A. Stricklan, S. Morley, and M. Carver, “Using GPS particle measurements to model geomagnetic cutoff,” American Meteorological Society Conference, poster/oral presentation, 2021.
A. Stricklan, “The search for early fire: A phytolithic study of site FxJj 20 AB,” Society of American Archeology, poster presentation, 2019.